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# and already ??...CLEANING the FISH? BEWARE of ANISAKIS_# ANISAKIS, THE TRUE GOURMET FIEND. WHAT FISH LIVES IN, HOW TO FIGHT IT. MANY CHEFS SHOULD KNOW THIS IN THEIR RAW FISH RECIPES.Anisakis is a parasite found in many fish: scabbardfish, dolphinfish, swordfish, tuna, sardines, herring, anchovies, hake, cod, monkfish, shellfish, cephalopods, mackerel, and anchovies. This parasite is present in fresh fish, and the larvae can implant on the wall of the human gastrointestinal tract, from the stomach to the colon. This parasitic worm attacks the mucous membranes resulting in acute or chronic parasitosis that can occur as early as a few hours after ingesting raw fish. It manifests with intense abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and in severe cases can even generate ulceration and perforation of the stomach wall. These problems occur only if you eat raw fish (if the fish is frozen or cooked, this parasite dies). Or, if one does not want to give up the goodness of raw fish, immediate evisceration of the fish (which, however, is never practiced), or methods based on exposure to high or very low temperatures (blast chiller) are sufficient when cleaning the fish: - immediate quick freezing: the parasite dies after 24 hours at -20 °C - exposure to high temperatures: the parasite dies in 15 minutes at 60 °C Recipes with raw fish, Italian-style crudités (with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper), shellfish and crustaceans "at the drop of a hat," freshly seared or sesame-seared tuna, and fashionable and ethnic Japanese "sushi and sashimi" are all opportunities to fall into the Anisakis trap and hopefully get away with an infection that resolves only with symptomatic treatment. One should always ask the chef or restaurateur if such a procedure is applied to the fish in question. Eating raw is good, but with "downed" fish is better!

Recettes provenance de Chine , Japon _Rezepte aus China & Japan _ recetas de China y Japón _ Рецепты из Китая и Японии _recipes from China & Japan

意大利肉酱面(或按口味制作的意大利面) #配料和份量 -意大利面 500 克 -去皮番茄 1 千克(番茄肉) -酸豆 4 勺 -凤尾鱼 10 只 -黑橄榄 150 克 -大蒜 3 瓣 -Prezzemolo -辣椒。清洗大蒜,去皮和内核。 大蒜开始变色时,将其从火上熄灭,加入水瓜和橄榄,用大火翻炒几分钟。倒入番茄浆,用文火煮 30 分钟,随时品尝,如果觉得咸,可以加一点糖,这样可以抑制番茄的酸味。 烧开水,倒入意大利面条,我建议在烹饪前几分钟沥干水分,然后在锅里用大火炒,加入普特纳斯卡酱和一勺适量的烹饪水。


Hong Shao Rou - ingredienti e dosi per 2 persone -
2½ lb. skin-on, boneless pork belly, cut into 1" pieces - 3 tbsp golden sugar -2 tbsp peanut oil -
4 spring onions, white and pale green parts coarsely chopped, dark green parts thinly sliced -
1 2" piece ginger, peeled, thinly sliced -Pinch of red chilli flakes (optional) -2 garlic cloves, crushed -
1 star anise pod -1 tbsp rice wine vinegar 3 tbsp light soya sauce - 1½tbsp dark soya sauce -
1/3 cup Chinese rice wine or alternatively dry sherry -
Cooked short-grain rice (for serving) FATE  COSI (Method) .
Bring a large pan of water to a boil. Add pork and cook, skimming off foam from surface, 5 minutes (this blanching step is essential to get rid of any impurities on the pork, making it more tender; don't skip this step!). Transfer pork to paper towels to drain and dry completely .Heat 2 Tbsp. peanut oil in pan over medium-high. Add sugar, stir to dissolve, and cook, stirring constantly, until syrup thickens and turns a pale amber color, about 4 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and return pork to pot, swirling so all sides are covered in caramel.You might have to do this in batches. Add white and pale green parts of the spring onions, ginger, garlic, and star anise. Cook, tossing, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add soy sauce and wine and cook, stirring, until slightly reduced, about 1 minute.Pour in 3 cups hot water (it should just barely cover pork; add more if needed). Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and cook, partially covered and stirring occasionally, until pork is tender, 50/60 minutes.Using a slotted spoon, transfer pork to a plate; remove pot from heat. Let sauce cooking liquid cool slightly so rendered fat can rise to the surface. Using a ladle, skim off as much fat as possible (save it for another use).Return pan to medium heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until sauce is slightly thickened and glossy, 12/15 minutes. Return pork to pot and toss to gently reheat and coat with sauce.Transfer pork to a serving dish. Pour sauce over. Top with dark green scallion parts and serve with rice alongside.


Hai xian suan la tang > ingredienti e dosi _½ Cucumber - 700 ml chicken stock  - small size shrimp peeled 50 gr  - 2 tablespoons of peas - 2 pieces of dried Shiitake mushrooms, soaked hot water, thinly sliced  - -  1 medium tomato fruit, cut into small dice -  2 teaspoons cornstarch, dissolved in a little water - 1 chicken egg, beaten - 1 tablespoon - > soup China  2 teaspoons ground pepper -1 teaspoon sesame oil - 2 tablespoons black rice vinegar -Salt to taste .How to make Sprinkle the cucumber with hot water until soft, cut into ½ pieces. METHOD-Clean it, cut into small dice . Heat the broth, put cucumber, shrimp, peas, mushrooms tofu, and tomatoes. Cook until boiling.Add salt, pepper, and sesame oil. Thicken with a solution maizena. Add eggs, stirring until blended .Add vinegar and stir well. Cook until all ingredients cooked. lift . Put the soup into serving bowls, sprinkle with chopped ..
Note > oppure usa questi  ingredienti : brodo di pollo , poco sale, poco zucchero , zenzero grattugiato, 50 gr di piselli , 1 pomodoro, 250 gr di tofu , funghi secchi , funghi chiodini , 2 cucchiai di salsa di soia  , poco aceto , 1 cucchiaino di olio di sesamo, pepe nero in grani , a piacere 2 uova , poca farina di mais, erba cipollina , pepe bianco macinato , olio piccate e aceto nero per servire .

Easy chili chicken_ ingredienti e dosi - 500 gr Boneless Chicken pcs - 2 Eggs - 2 tbsp Cornflour - 2 tbsp Ginger paste - 3 tbsp Garlic Paste - 2 tbsp white Vinegar -2 Medium size Green Capsicum Cubes -1 Big Size Onion cut into Cubes -Green Chili Chopped -1 tbsp Soy sauce -2 tbsp Tomato sauce -3 tbsp Chili Sauce - 4 tbsp Spring Onion chopped -Salt to taste -1 cup Oil -1 tbsp Paprika powder -FATE  COSI (Method) Marinate chicken pieces with 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp ginger paste ,1 tbsp garlic paste & paprika powder for 30 mins.Mix 1 tbsp cornflour in 2 eggs.Beat well both..add little salt.Heat oil in a pan .  Deep chicken pcs into the egg batter and deep fry until golden red color.Keep aside.For Gravy:Heat 4 tbsp oil in a pan.Add onion cubes and fry looks clear .Add rest of the ginger paste and garlic paste.Add green chili and capsicum cubes and saute for a while until a capsicum flavor comes out.Now add tomato sauce, chili sauce,soy sauce and vinegar consecutively and mix well.Add salt to taste.Mix rest of the corn flour into warm water and pour it into the cooked vegetables and cook for 2-3 mins.Now add fried chicken and again cook for 2 minuti.Sprinkle spring onion give a standing time. serve with warm fried rice.


 Soup TOM YUM ( gamberetti ) # ingredienti e dosi -LTom Yum è probabilmente la più famosa delle tante zuppe thailandesi ed è popolare non solo in Thailandia, ma nei ristoranti tailandesi in tutto il mondo. Si tratta di una minestra chiara e acida aromatizzata con citronella profumato, radice di galanga fresca e foglie di combava. Questa potente miscela di erbe è ben noto per le sue proprietà medicinali.
La citronella può contribuire ad alleviare eccesso di gas nello stomaco o nell'intestino, aumentare la secrezione di urina, ridurre il calore nel corpo e prevenire la diffusione di alcuni tipi di batteri.Il peperoncino è usato come medicina per la tosse. È utile per il sistema respiratorio, la circolazione del sangue e il cuore.Il lime aiuta a prevenire tosse, influenza e lo scorbuto.La combava è usata per profumare il cibo. Il suo succo può curare la tosse, la forfora e alcuni tipi di mal di stomaco.Il Tom Yum Goong è il più noto varietà di Tom Yum e si avvale di gamberetti (in thailandese: goong o kung) come ingrediente principale del piatto.
# ingredienti e dosi :
1 litro di acqua
10 gamberetti grandi
1 tazza di funghi
1 gambo di citronella tritata
2 foglie di combava
1 cucchiaio di foglie di coriandolo tritate
1/2 cucchiaino di peperoncino macinato
 (la quantità può essere regolata in base alla propria preferenza)
1/2 cucchiaino di sale
2 cucchiai di succo di lime
2 cucchiai di salsa di pesce
>FATE COSI ( METHOD )-Versare l'acqua in una pentola, aggiungere le citronella e le foglie di combava e riscaldare. Aggiungere i gamberetti quando l'acqua bolle e coprire la pentola. Attendere 3 minuti prima di aggiungere i funghi e il sale.
 Lasciare cuocere per qualche minuto. Poi togliere dal fuoco.
Condire con salsa di pesce, succo di lime e peperoncino macinato. Mettere le foglie di coriandolo tritato nel piatto prima di servire.,sevire con riso cotto a vapore ( a piacere ).,vedi mia foto 2019.

2) Soupe TOM YUM (crevettes) # ingrédients et portions -Tom Yum est probablement la plus célèbre des nombreuses soupes thaïlandaises et est populaire non seulement en Thaïlande, mais aussi dans les restaurants thaïlandais du monde entier. Il s'agit d'une soupe claire et aigre, aromatisée à la citronnelle parfumée, à la racine de galanga fraîche et aux feuilles de combava. Ce puissant mélange d'herbes est bien connu pour ses propriétés médicinales.
La citronnelle peut aider à soulager l'excès de gaz dans l'estomac ou les intestins, augmenter la sécrétion d'urine, réduire la chaleur corporelle et prévenir la propagation de certains types de bactéries. Il est utile pour le système respiratoire, la circulation sanguine et le cœur.Le citron vert aide à prévenir la toux, la grippe et le scorbut.Le combava est utilisé pour parfumer les aliments. Tom Yum Goong est la variété la plus connue de Tom Yum et utilise les crevettes (en thaï : goong ou kung) comme ingrédient principal du plat.
# Ingrédients et portions : >> 
1 litre d'eau
10 grosses crevettes
1 tasse de champignons
1 tige de citronnelle hachée
2 feuilles de combava
1 cuillère à soupe de feuilles de coriandre hachées
1/2 cuillère à café de piment moulu
 (la quantité peut être ajustée en fonction de vos préférences)
1/2 cuillère à café de sel
2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron vert
2 cuillères à soupe de sauce de poisson
>Versez l'eau dans une casserole, ajoutez la citronnelle et les feuilles de combava et faites chauffer. Ajoutez les crevettes lorsque l'eau bout et couvrez la marmite. Attendez 3 minutes avant d'ajouter les champignons et le sel.
 Laisser cuire quelques minutes. Retirer ensuite du feu.
Assaisonner avec la sauce de poisson, le jus de citron vert et le piment moulu. Déposer des feuilles de coriandre hachées sur l'assiette avant de servir, accompagner de riz cuit à la vapeur ( selon le goût ).voir ma photo 2019 .


Chana Masala _ ingredienti e dosi per 2/3 persoe: 1 cup Chickpeas  - 5 tbsp of Oil   -
2 tsp garlic (minced)  - 2 tsp ginger (finely chopped)   - 2 green chili (finely chopped)  -
2 onions (paste)  - 2 tomatoes (paste)  - 1 tbsp Tamarind Paste  - Pinch of baking soda  -
Pinch of Asafeotida  - 1/2 tsp Cumin Seed  - 1 tsp Kashmiri Red Chilly Powder  -
1 tsp Chili Powder  - 1 tbsp Coriander Powder  - 1 tbsp Cumin Powder  - 1 tbsp Chana Masala -
1 tsp Garam Masala  - 1 tbsp Coriander Leaves (finely chopped) -
2/3 green chilies (slit from middle)  - Salt to taste.FATE COSI _Wash the dry chickpeas and soak them in a big bowl with three cups of water or alteast 1 inch above the top of the chickepeas. The chickpeas tend to saok up all the water. Keep them overnight or 6 - 8 hours.Pressure cook the soaked chickpeas with a pinch of baking soda and salt for 5-6 whistles or till done.Meanwhile heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan; add cumin seeds and asafeotida.When seeds start to splatter add green chili, ginger and garlic. Sauté for 2-3 minute till the raw smell goes off.Then add onion paste and sauté till onions are translucent. Add tomatoe paste along with coriander powder, cumin powder, chana masala, garam masala. Mix all the ingredients well and cook till tomatoes are tender and mixed properly with other ingredients.When the masala starts to leave the sides add the chickpeas. Stir well and cover and cook for 10 /15 minutes.Mix tamarind paste and stir well.Add 1/2 cup of hot water if chickpeas look too dry and simmer further for 5/10 minutes.Sprinkle garam masala over it. Keep the lid on for 15 mins for the chickpeas to absorb all the flavours.Now dish out the chana masala and garnish with coriander leaves or ginger juliennes.Punjabi chana masala goes well with jeera rice pulao, naan, tandoori roti and green chutney with salad.

Gyoza _ingredienti per 45/50 ravioli di carne :per la pasta - 250 gr di farina - 150 gr di acqua caldissima>> per il ripieno :300 gr di carne di maiale macinata - 300 gr di cavolo capuccio -olio di sesamo - 1 cipollina fresca - grattugiata di zenzero - salsa di soia >>> per il disco di crosticina : 80/100 gr di acqua -       un cucchiaino da te di farina >>>>per condire : salsa di soia - peproncino - olio di sesamo .method_ Per la pasta, impastate in una ciotola o nel robot la farina con l’acqua calda, fino ad ottenere un impasto abbastanza sodo, fatelo riposare almeno 30 minuti coperto da pellicola.
Per il ripieno: unite alla carne macinata il cavolo tritato finemente, condite con la cipollina fresca tritata lo zenzero la salsa di soia e un pizzico di sale e anche queto lasciatelo riposare affinche si amalgamino tutti i sapori.Trascorso il tempo di riposo, prendete un po’ di pasta alla volta e tiratela molto sottile (non deve però diventare trasparente) io ho usato la macchinetta, ricavate dei dischi di circa 8 cm di diametro, adagiate al centro un cucchiaino di carne, chiudete a mezzaluna e pizzicate uno dei due bordi ricavando 5 pieghe .Cuocetene man mano li fate, perché se fate riposare i ravioli l’impasto tende ad ammorbidirsi troppo.Per la cottura, il procedimento di base è questo, prendete una padella antiederente, versate un po’ di olio di sesamo (anche di semi se non l’avete) giusto per ungere la base non eccedete, mettete i ravioli in piedi e fateli cuocere un paio di minuti a fiamma media affinche non si sarà formata una bella crosticina, a questo punto versate mezzo bicchiere di acqua e coprite per ultimare la cottura anche nella parte superiore.Se volete la pellicina, aggiungete nel mezzo bicchiere d’acqua un cucchiaino colmo di farina e mescolate bene. Versate poi il coposto al centro , lasciate che si distribuisca dappertutto e coprite.Fate andare almeno due o tre minuti coperto poi scoprite e lasciate che l’acqua evapori tutta. In questo modo la farina formerà una sottile pellicina che legherà i gyoza.Non appena si sarà completamente indurita togliete dal fuoco aiutandovi a girarli con un piatto come quando dovete girare la frittata.Servite i gyoza con una salsina a base di soia olio di sesamo e peperoncino.Cuoceteli tutti e poi al momento di andare in tavola potete riscaldarli in padella.

Gyoza, la vraie recette des raviolis japonais. Gyoza, la vraie recette des raviolis japonais par couteaux. Classé dans : Dernières news culinaires, Entrées chaudes, Recettes, Recettes d'Automne, Recettes d'entrées et apéritifs, Recettes d'Été, Recettes d'Hiver, Recettes de Printemps, Recettes et cuisine japonaise. Les gyoza, ou raviolis japonais : enfin une bonne recette authentique pour faire ces fameux petits raviolis. Ah les gyoza... Vous savez ces petits raviolis crousti-moelleux qu'on trouve dans absolument tous les sushis ? Eh bien sachez qu'on peut les faire façon « homemade ». Car il faut bien avouer que généralement, les gyoza qu'on trouve dans les resto, c'est pas de la grande cuisine : on dirait que c'est tous les mêmes et qu'ils sortent direct du congelo. Mais fait maison, c'est un tout autre délire ! C'est incroyablement bon ! J'en ai fait l'expérience dans les restos parisiens de la rue Saint-Anne où ils sont faits maison... et ça change tout ! Quand j'ai découvert ça, je me suis dit qu'il fallait que j'essaie, pour pouvoir faire des vraies soirées sushi/japonais 100% faits maison. J'ai donc cherché un peu sur le net et dans des bouquins de cuisine japonaise je me suis rendu compte que c'était une recette assez facile à faire finalement. Les gyoza, raviolis japonais traditionnels. Alors un gyoza c'est quoi ? Gyoza en japonais, c'est un dérivé de jiaozi en chinois, qui veut tout simplement dire « pâte farcie » (en gros hein je suis pas traducteur non plus). En fait, à l'origine, ce sont même les chinois qui ont importé le concept de ravioli au Japon et qui a donné naissance aux gyoza. D'ailleurs on a aussi des raviolis grillés chinois, les guotie. Il existe des gyoza avec énormément de farces différentes : au porc, au poulet (voir la recette des gyoza au poulet), aux légumes, aux crevettes... Mais la recette de base, la recette « traditionnelle » utilise une farce à base de chou et de porc bien assaisonné avec ail, gingembre, oignon, sauce soja, saké. On hache tout ça très finement séparément, puis on mélange pour donner une farce bien épicée. Ensuite, il n'y a qu'à placer un peu de cette farce au milieu d'une pâte à base de farine de blé et d'eau, la replier en espèce de croissant, et la cuire ! Mais attention, la cuisson est spéciale alors soyez attentifs ! Suivez le guide, on part au Japon ! Gyoza Raviolis Japonais. Bon la première étape pour faire des gyoza japonais c'est d'avoir une bonne pâte à gyoza. Là, vous avez deux solutions : soit vous les achetez toutes faites dans une épicerie asiatique (plus précisément coréenne ou japonaise) soit vous la faites maison. Honnêtement, en grand gourmet et adepte du fait maison je devrais vous dire « c'est toujours mieux quand on la fait soit même », mais c'est pas vrai. Ça prend vraiment beaucoup plus longtemps de préparer la pâte, de l'étaler et de lui donner la bonne forme, et au niveau du goût ça ne change rien. Mais bon, c'est marrant à faire une ou deux fois alors je vous file la recette quand même! Recette de la pâte . Ingrédients de la pâte à gyoza japonais 240 gr de farine de blé T45 ou de la farine spéciale pour gyoza 3 g de sel 120 / 150 gr d'eau chaude. Préparation de la pâte à gyoza.. Passez votre farine au tamis. Mélangez le sel dans l'eau jusqu'à ce qu'il soit entièrement dissout. Ensuite, mélangez petit à petit l'eau avec la farine jusqu'à avoir une pâte homogène. Ensuite pétrissez la pâte à la main pendant 5 minutes au moins jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit douce et plus malléable. Réservez au frais pendant 1 h. Au bout d'une heure, il faudra étaler votre pâte. Là encore, deux solutions. La plus simple, c'est de passer la pâte par petits morceaux au laminoir jusqu'à l'avant-dernier ou au dernier cran. Si on a pas de laminoir (oui ça arrive, même aux meilleurs) on peut essayer de l'étaler à 1 mm d'épaisseur environ avec un rouleau à pâtisserie. Mais c'est plus galère. Une fois que vous avez de beaux morceaux de pâte bien aplatis, coupez la pâte en ronds de 7 / 8 cm de diamètre (avec un emporte-pièce). Farinez-les et réservez pour le pliage. La recette des gyoza japonais traditionnels. Ingrédients pour la farce des gyoza japonais 250 gr de porc haché 1/2 chou chinois environ 200 gr un peu de ciboulette chinoise ou à défaut de la ciboulette classique 1 poireau 1 gros oignon 3 gousses d'ail 1 gros morceau de gingembre frais émincé très fin un peu de saké un peu de sauce soja 1 cuillère à café d'huile de sésame 1 c. a. c de sel fumé optionnel. FATE   COSI >> Recette et préparation de la farce à gyoza japonais. Pour préparer la farce des gyoza c'est simple. Prenez du porc haché (ou du porc un peu gras genre échine que vous passe au mixeur). Ensuite, séparément, hachez le chou. Le problème du chou c'est que ça relache pas mal d'eau, et ça fait détremper la pâte à gyoza. Pour éviter ça, salez légèrement le chou et essorez le dans un torchon pour absorber le maximum d'humidité. Mélangez le chou à la viande, puis ajoutez la ciboulette hachée, le poireau, l'oignon, l'ail et le gingembre émincés le plus fin possible. À la main, mélangez bien pour obtenir une pâte assez compacte et collante. Assaisonnez ensuite avec un peu de saké, de sauce soja et d'huile de sésame pour donner du goût (dosez comme vous voulez). Pour que la farce soit puissante en goût, on peut ajouter divers épices (piment, plus de gingembre), et moi j'aime bien mettre un peu de sel fumé, qui rappelle un peu le goût du dashi japonais. D'ailleurs, si vous avez du dashi en poudre, ajoutez en un peu à la farce, ça décuple les saveurs. Bon ça c'est la recette de base, habituelle, vue et revue qu'on trouve dans les restaurants à sushi et les bar à gyoza un peu partout dans Paris. En vrai, on y ajoute souvent de la sauce d'huître pour renforcer le goût mais ça contient pas mal de glutamate (un exhausteur de goût) qui est pas forcément tip top pour la santé. Mais sinon, dans l'absolu vous pouvez la faire un peu avec tout ce que vous voulez ! Poulet, bœuf, gingembre, poireau, chou, tous les épices que vous voulez et comme vous voulez ! Confection des gyoza japonais. Une fois qu'on a fait la farce et qu'on a nos ronds de pâte, c'est simple. Sur une surface farinée, posez un rond de pâte. Prélevez une grosse cuillère à café de farce et posez la en boule au milieu de votre rond. Ne mettez pas trop de farce sinon impossible de plier ! Au bout de quelques essais vous devriez voir quelle quantité convient le mieux. Ensuite, humidifiez les bords de la pâte avec de l'eau, et repliez votre cercle de pâte, de façon à obtenir en quelque sorte des demi-lunes, tout en pinçant la pâte latéralement pour faire les plis caractéristiques des gyoza. A la fin ça doit ressembler à un croissant en gros. Préparation Gyoza raviolis japonais. Cuisson des gyoza. Il ne reste plus qu'à cuire ! Les gyoza ont pour caractéristique d'avoir une des faces croustillante et le reste moelleux. Pour obtenir ce résultat, il faut cuire d'une part la base à la poêle huilée et d'autre part à la vapeur. Faites chauffer sur feu fort une poêle bien huilée. Ensuite, déposez vos gyoza sur la base dans la poêle de façon à ce que la pâte devienne croustillante et bien dorée. Ensuite, versez un peu d'eau dans la poêle et couvrez immédiatement. L'eau au contact de la poêle chaude va se transformer en vapeur, et grâce au couvercle la chaleur de cette vapeur va cuire la partie supérieure de la pâte qui n'est pas en contact avec le feu. Il faut donc mettre suffisamment d'eau pour faire une bonne quantité de vapeur, mais pas trop non plus. Sinon l'eau va se répandre dans la poêle et empêcher la base de la pâte d'être croustillante. Là encore, le dosage est une question d'habitude. Raviolis Japonais Gyoza et voilà, y'a plus qu'à kiffer. Mangez ça en entrée avant un bon ramen, avec des sushi ou encore juste ça. La sauce des gyoza. KKK Pour déguster les gyoza, on les accompagne généralement d'une sauce dans un petit bol. On trempe les gyoza dedans avant de les croquer ! Pour cette sauce, c'est facile : on mélange une bonne sauce soja avec un peu de vinaigre de riz et de l'huile de sésame. On peut aussi rajouter un peu de piment ! Et si vous aimez ce genre de bouchées, vous adorerez les siu mai, ces bouchées chinoises vapeur au porc de la famille des dim sum .
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Walnut Palm _ingredienti e dosi -1 cup butter
2 tsp vanilla
3 cup sugar
3 cup flour
1 cup finely chopped walnuts
1/4 tsp salt
5 eggs
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup shortening
_FATE COSI > In a bowl beat the butter and the shortening very thoroughly till the mixture is creamy.Then add sugar 1/2 cup at a time and beat till very light.Now add eggs one at a time beating thoroughly after each addition.Now add 2 cups flour alternately with milk and vanilla.Finely add 1 cup flour containing salt and baking powder.Add in the finely chopped walnuts.Pour this mixture in a pan which has been lightly greased and flour.Bake this pan in cold oven on middle shelf and turn on the oven to 350 degrees F.Let the pan baked for 1 1/4 hour and then take out the pan from the oven and let the cake cool in the pan on wire rack.


Gaifan ( Cina ) ingredienti e dosi > 1 1/2 cups uncooked rice , small knob fresh ginger root ,2 chicken thighs with skin,2 Tablespoons light soy sauce,3 Tablespoons Chinese cooking wine or dry sherry.1/2 teaspoon sesame seed oil,1 teaspoon vegetable or peanut cooking oil,pinch finely ground white pepper ,2 teaspoons cornstarch ,sliced green onions for garnish.FATE  COSI >Preparare  chicken and marinade: slice 2-3 ginger coins about 1/4″ thick. Stack the coins and smash with the side of a chef’s knife or cleaver. Put into a bowl large enough to hold chicken. Cut chicken meat off bones and remove half of the skin and excess fat if necessary.  Cut chicken meat into bite-size pieces, smaller than your thumb.  Combine the chicken and the ginger in the same bowl and add remaining ingredients except for the green onions. Mix well.Cook rice per package instructions kin an automatic rice cooker/steamer. When half of the rice’s cooking liquid has evaporated, evenly spread the chicken mixture evenly over the top of the rice. With chopsticks or the end of a wooden spoon, poke holes through the rice to the pot’s bottom to allow sauce to penetrate.  Let cook for 20-25 minutes – don’t peek!After cooking time has lapsed, gently mix cooked chicken in with rice. Not all of the rice will be sauced. Taste and if rice is not cooked all of the way (still crunchy), let cook longer (press down button on rice cooker). When plating, add more soy sauce if desired. Garnish with optional sliced green onions

Shabu-Shabu - ingredienti e dosi ...750 gr Scotch fillet, partially frozen  -   15 Spring onions    -
3 Carrots  - 400 gr Button mushrooms  - 1/2 Chinese cabbage  - 150 gr Firm tofu  -
1 cup Short-grain rice, cooked  - 8 cups Chicken stock  -
Sesame seed sauce or ready made shabu-shabu sauce to serve  -fate cosi - Cut the steak into very thin slices and set aside. Cut the firm section of the spring onions into 4 cm lengths and discard the dark green tops. Slice the carrots very thinly. Slice the mushrooms. Chop the cabbage into bite-sized pieces, discarding any though parts. Cut the tofu into bite-sized cubes. Arrange the prepared vegetables, tofu and meat in separate piles on a serving platter; cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until about 30 minutes before cooking time. Set the table with individual place setting, each with a serving bowl, a bowl of sesame seed sauce, a bowl of rice, chopsticks, soup spoons and napkins. Position the serving platter and cooking vessel so they are within easy reach of each diner. When all the diners are seated, pour the stock into the cooking vessel, cover and bring to a simmer. Each diner then picks up an ingredient or two with their chopsticks, and places it in the simmering stock for about a minute, or until just cooked (do not overcook - the vegetables should be just tender and the steak still pink in the center). The food is then dipped into the sesame seed sauce and eaten with the rice. The remaining stock can be served as soup at the end of the meal.



>> Takoyaki , littéralement « pieuvre grillée (ou cuite) ») est un mets de la cuisine japonaise et une spécialité d'Ōsaka, se présentant sous forme de boulettes de pâte similaire à la pâte à crêpe contenant des morceaux de poulpe, cuites en moule, comme les gaufres. Ils sont généralement vendus par 6 ou 10 dans une barquette.En général, le takoyaki est vendu en échoppes donnant sur la rue pour être emporté ou consommé dehors. Dans la région du Kansai, on le consomme en repas sans rien d'autre. Le takoyaki est extrêmement populaire dans cette région ou l'on trouve nombre d'échoppes se targuant de posséder la meilleure recette. Enfin, il est important de préciser que le takoyaki se mange généralement bouillant, à peine sorti de la plaque. Cette recette est assimilée à de la cuisine spectacle et conviviale.
 >ingredienti e dosi >>
- pieuvre- œuf- farine- eau- kombu, bouillon d'algue-
- dashi, bouillon de poisson- ciboule -
- sauce similaire à la sauce okonomiyaki otafuku-
- aonori : une mayonnaise japonaise : avec moins d'œufs, plus liquide, plus légère-
- katsuobushi : copeaux de bonites séchées - gingembre  -fate  cosi >>
-> Akashiyaki  ou tamagoyaki  : Les akashiyaki sont une forme de takoyaki à la texture plus molle, sans sauce et que l'on trempe dans une soupe dashi. Ils sont considérés comme l'ancêtre des takoyaki. Le mot vient d'Akashi, nom d'une ville près de Kōbe. Le terme tamagoyaki (littéralement "oeuf cuit") est également utilisé pour les désigner.-> Le takosen , abréviation de takosenbei (たこせんべい), consiste en deux takoyaki, entreposés dans une galette de riz à la crevette (senbei), assaisonné avec de la sauce et de la ciboule.-> L'ikayaki  n'est semblable que de nom. Il s'agit dans ce cas de calmar grillé.

  Filet caramelise au lait de coco_ ingredienti e dosi per 4/6 persone - 2 filets mignons de 500 g environ chacun  - 1 sachet de champignons -  3 œufs  - 800 gr de carottes  - 10 cl de crème fraîche épaisse -1 branche de citronnelle  -2 petits oignons frais  - 3 cuillerées à soupe de miel liquide  - 1 cuillerée à soupe de sauce soja -1 bocal de germes de soja - 10 cl de lait de coco -20 gr de beurre -1 cuillerée à soupe d’huile de sésame - Sel, poivre -FATE  COSI -pour Filet mignon caramélisé, petits flans de carottes au lait de coco.Lavez, épluchez et coupez en rondelles les carottes puis plongez-les dans une casserole d’eau bouillante pendant 20 à 25 minuti .Epluchez puis émincez la branche de citronnelle et les oignons. Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Mélangez dans un bol, la sauce soja, l’huile de sésame, le miel, la citronnelle et les oignons. Assaisonnez.  Placez les filets mignons dans un plat allant au four, arrosez-les avec la marinade au miel et enfournez pour 45 min. Retournez-les fréquemment afin que les filets puissent caraméliser de manière homogène. Réhydratez les champignons en les plongeant dans un bol d’eau tiède, égouttez-les, coupez-les en petits morceaux.  Une fois les carottes cuites, mixez-les avec la crème fraîche, les oeufs et le lait de coco. Versez la préparation obtenue dans un récipient, ajoutez les champignons hâchés, assaisonnez.V  ersez la purée de carottes dans des moules individuels en silicone et faites cuire au bain-marie au four 30 min à 180°C.Réchauffez à feu doux, les germes de soja dans une casserole, 10 min avant la fin de la cuisson des flans de carottes.Dressage : démoulez les flans de carottes dès la fin de leur cuisson, coupez les filets mignons en tranches. Dressez dans chaque assiette un flan de carottes, deux ou trois tranches de filet mignon, agrémentez avec les germes de soja.


Mala chicken -ingredienti e dosi -
360/400  gr boneless chicken thighs, with skin
2 spring onions
1 red pepper
1 red chili
1 ts Sichuan pepper
Marinade  --1 tb water - 1 tb cornflour - 1 tb rice wine - 1 tb dark soy sauce _
- salsa(sauce) - 3 tb water, 1 tb wine/rice vinegar , 1 tb light soy sauce , 1/2 tb cornflour _
Method ( fate cosi )First off cut the chicken into bite-sized cubes, maybe 2cm across, and mix
with the marinade.  I left mine for about an hour.Heat a couple of inches of oil in wok (about 300ml) and heat till hot.  Add the chicken and stir till the pieces separate, once they have remove to a plate.  Let the oil get back up to temperature and then add the chicken back in frying for 3 minutes, till starting to brown and cooked through, then remove to a plate.Drain the wok leaving just the coating of oil to stir fry the dish in.Cut the peppers and spring onions into similar sized pieces to the chicken - 2cm cubes and 2cm lengths - and slice the chilies into thin, diagonal slices.  Add the veg, chilies and Sichuan pepper to the wok and story fry for a minute.Add the chicken, stir briefly and then add the sauce. Fry enough just for the sauce to thicken and coat then add a splash of sesame oil and serve.For a side dish I adapted another recipe from the book.  I stir fried a red chili, a sliced clove of garlic and maybe a teaspoon or two of salted black beans for 30 seconds and then added half a pack of water spinach/kang kong and fried until starting to wilt.  This was finished with a splash of white wine vinegar and a little salt.


Easy chili chicken_ ingredienti e dosi - 500 gr Boneless Chicken pcs - 2 Eggs - 2 tbsp Cornflour - 2 tbsp Ginger paste - 3 tbsp Garlic Paste - 2 tbsp white Vinegar -2 Medium size Green Capsicum Cubes -1 Big Size Onion cut into Cubes -Green Chili Chopped -1 tbsp Soy sauce -2 tbsp Tomato sauce -3 tbsp Chili Sauce - 4 tbsp Spring Onion chopped -Salt to taste -1 cup Oil -1 tbsp Paprika powder -FATE  COSI (Method) Marinate chicken pieces with 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp ginger paste ,1 tbsp garlic paste & paprika powder for 30 mins.Mix 1 tbsp cornflour in 2 eggs.Beat well both..add little salt.Heat oil in a pan .  Deep chicken pcs into the egg batter and deep fry until golden red color.Keep aside.For Gravy:Heat 4 tbsp oil in a pan.Add onion cubes and fry looks clear .Add rest of the ginger paste and garlic paste.Add green chili and capsicum cubes and saute for a while until a capsicum flavor comes out.Now add tomato sauce, chili sauce,soy sauce and vinegar consecutively and mix well.Add salt to taste.Mix rest of the corn flour into warm water and pour it into the cooked vegetables and cook for 2-3 mins.Now add fried chicken and again cook for 2 minuti.Sprinkle spring onion give a standing time. serve with warm fried rice.


Mushroom Tofu Potstichers ( Cina ) e dosi .3 cups cabbage, shredded on large holes of box grater8 ounces tofu (any firmness), crumbled4 ounces fresh shiitake mushrooms, stems removed, chopped2 cloves garlic, finely minced2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger1 tablespoon fresh basil, finely chopped2 tablespoons soy sauce1 package of 50 dumpling wrappers1 teaspoon cornstarch + 1/4 cup cool water3 tablespoons cooking oil, or more if needed -FATE COSI -In a large mixing bowl, add cabbage, tofu, mushrooms, garlic, ginger, basil and soy sauce. Mix well.Prepare the cornstarch slurry: whisk together the cornstarch and water in a small bowl.To wrap: Place a potstickers wrapper flat in one hand. Place 1 heaping teaspoon of the potstickers filling mixture in the middle of the wrapper. Dip a finger in the slurry mixture and paint along the outside of the wrapper. Fold over to a half-moon shape. Pinch along the outside of the wrapper to close the wrapper completely around the mixture.. Repeat until all potstickers are filled and closed.Lay folded potstickers in a single layer. Cover with plastic wrap to keep them from drying out. (See headnote re: freezing)When ready to cook, in a non-stick skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over medium high heat. When the oil is hot, add potstickers in a single layer along the bottom of the pan. Cook until browned on one side, about 2 minutes. Flip and brown the other side equally. Using the pan cover as a shield from splattering, add 2 tablespoons of water to the pan and cover immediately. Steam potstickers for 3-4 minutes. Uncover skillet, you should see almost all of the water has evaporated. Remove potstickers, then wipe pan dry with towel and repeat for remaining batches.

***** conseil du chef adrianomennillollicola - questi gnocchi li potete anche congelare , basta fare in modo che ogni livello ha un involucro di plastica in modo che tra i gnocchi non si attacchino tra loro.
tal: 40 mins Ingrédients: Sauce teriyaki au miel: ⅓ tasse de sauce soya, 5 c a

  Ravioli ripieni al vapore - CHAO-TZU - Ingredienti e dosi -per la pasta :  200 gr di farina bianca -
125 gr di acqua tiepida  - 1 cuchiaino di olio di sesamo (facoltativo)
Per il ripieno cotto:  - 120 gr di maiale macinato  - 60 gr di germogli di bambù -
pezzettino di zenzero fresco  - 20 gr di funghi cinesi neri  - 1 cipollotto -
1/2 cucchiaio di pasta di soya dolce (facoltativo) - olio per friggere -
sale, pepe e salsa di soya q.b.  - albume d'uovo sbattuto oppure acqua - FATE  COSI .

I Chiao-tzu sono un piatto tradizionale cinese ed il loro ripieno può essere cotto o crudo, di maiale, di verdura e perfino dolce. Oltre che al vapore possono essere cotti anche bolliti oppure saltati in padella.
Preparare in anticipo la pasta e lasciarla riposare per mezz'ora coperta con un panno bagnato e ben strizzato. Nel frattempo preparare il ripieno che in questo caso è cotto: tritare finemente il bambù, il cipollotto, il cavolo e i funghi ammollati nell'acqua e poi ben strizzati, far scaldare l'olio nella padella e quando è bollente soffriggervi brevemente la carne di maiale, aggiungere la pasta di soya, la salsa di soya e mescolare bene. Aggiungere subito dopo gli altri ingredienti, rimescolare per non più di un minuto e togliere dal fuoco. Lasciare raffreddare l'impasto preferibilmente in frigorifero, mentre si preparano i ravioli. Prendere l'impasto e lavorarlo bene per altri tre o quattro minuti, tirare con il matterello o con la macchinetta la pasta fino ad ottenere una sfoglia molto sottile da cui si ricaveranno circa 40 dischetti del diametro di 8/9 cm l'uno (usare una formina per biscotti o un bicchiere). A questo punto bisogna riempire i ravioli. Tenere in mano un disco di pasta e mettere al centro un cucchiaio di ripieno, inumidire i bordi della pasta con l'albume e fare 4/6 piegoline, spingendo con il pollice il bordo della pasta verso sinistra. Ripiegare ogni disco su se stesso e premere bene.  A questo punto si possono cuocere al vapore con i caratteristici cestelli di bambù oppure con le nostre pentole, l'importante è ungere bene il cestello e il fianco del raviolo che sarà a contatto con quello vicino. Io li cuoco bolliti in acqua bollente e salata, sono pronti quando riaffiorano in superficie. Una volta raccolti e messi nei piatti, ogni commensale potrà condirli a piacere con salsa di soya, sambal oelek, salsa agrodolce.

photo by adrianomennillo  to  Massimoadrianomennillo by Napoli  ( Via  Caracciolo )

Poulet  frit à la Japonaise _  1 gros filet de poulet (coupé dans son épaisseur pour avoir de fines escalopes),  1 c à s de sauce pour sukiyaki japonaise,  de la fécule,   de l'huile de friture,  et pour faire la sauce un poireau, 1 bout de gingembre frais, 1 c à c d'ail en poudre, 3 c à s de sauce pour sukiyaki (toujours la même !) 3 c à s de vinaigre de riz japonais  tout d'abord badigeonnez les escalopes de poulet avec la sauce pour sukiyaki. laissez mariner 15 minuti  fate  cosi _ égouttez les escalopes et recouvrez les de fécule. chauffez 2 cm d'huile dans une sauteuse et faites les frire à feu vif. pendant ce temps émincez le poireaux, le gingembre très finement, ajoutez l'ail. Chauffez une cuillère à soupe d'huile dans une petite poêle et faites-y revenir le mélange. quand le mélange comme à sentir bon ajoutez la sauce sukiyaki et le vinaigre. laissez mijoter à feu doux. servez le poulet en assiette et recouvrez le de sauce. servir avec du riz, de la salade, de la soupe miso.


Sukiyaki ( Giappone ) ingredienti e dosi -1 Tbsp oil  - 1 lb beef, thinly sliced  - 4 Tbsp sugar  - 4 Tbsp soy sauce  - 2 Tbsp Sake  - 1/2 Nappa cabbage, cut 2" width  - 2 long onions, cut diagonally  - 1 bunch Kikuna, cut 2" long  -  1 package tofu, cut 1" width  -  8 shiitake mushrooms  - 1 package enoki mushrooms  - 1 package itokonnyaku_fate cosi - Heat a pan at medium high and add oil. . Sear beef slices in the pan, and add sugar, soy sauce, and Sake when the color of meat has started turning. .Add the rest of the ingredients and cook about 10/15 minutes. . Adjust seasonings if you like by adding more soy sauce and/or sugar.


JIAOZI ( ricetta della Cina ) ingredienti e dosi per 3 o 5 persone --.For the pastry _250 gr (8 oz) plain flour  • 125 ml (¼ pint) cold water_per il filling..• 250 gr (8oz) minced meat (pork, beef, chicken, or turkey)  • 1 small tin of water chestnuts or bamboo shoots (finely chopped)  • 2 spring onions or 1tbsp garlic chives (chopped)  • 5 ml (1 teaspoon) sesame oil  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) corn flour  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) oil• 15/30 ml (1-2 tablespoons) light soy sauce  • 1 chicken stock cube-crumbled_per il dipping sauce :.• 30 ml (2 tablespoons) light soy sauce • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) vinegar_Method-_Sieve the flour in a bowl . Add just enough cold water until it forms a dough .Knead for about 10 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Cover with cling film or cloth, and let it rest while making the filling -- To make the dumplings.In a large bowl, mix together all the filling ingredients and let it marinade (stand) for about 10/20 minutes .Divide the dough into four pieces. Knead again one piece of the dough and keep the rest covered .Roll the dough onto a floured surface in a long shape and cut into 5 equal parts  Roll each piece of the dough in your hand to form a round ball and flatten it using the palm of your hand Use a rolling pin to make the circle bigger until it reaches about 8cm in diameter .Place a heaped teaspoon of the filling in the centre of each circle, keeping well clear of the edges .Brush half the circle with a little water and seal the edges using your fingers by making pleats (folds) in the pastry .Heat a little oil in a pan, when hot add about 10 dumplings at a time and cook with a lid on for about 3 minutes .Pour in enough water just to cover the dumplings. Cover and continue to cook on high heat for about 7 minutes or until the water is absorbed and the bottom of the dumplings is turning golden .Turn the dumplings over and brown the other side. Serve hot with the dipping sauce.


Jalebi ( Cina ) ingredienti e dosi per 6/8 persone -.  400 gr di farina 20 gr di semolino o farina di riso  -  1 gr di lievito - 30 ml di yogurt naturale  - 300 ml di acqua calda  - 2 gr di zafferano, leggermente arrostito, in polvere - 700 gr di zucchero - 600 ml di acqua  - 2 gr di polvere di semi di cardamomo -  20 ml di acqua kewra o acqua di rose Ghee o olio vegetale per la frittura-FATE COSI -Mescola farina, semolino, lievito, yogurt e 180 ml di acqua in una ciotola ( di ceramica).Mescola bene con una frusta.   Mescola bene e poi aggiungi l’acqua rimanente e 0.6 gr di zafferano, e mischia bene.   Metti da parte per circa 2 ore per far fermentare. Mescola bene prima di usarla. Prepara lo sciroppo sciogliendo lo zucchero nell’acqua.Prima che lo sciroppo sia pronto aggiungi zafferano e cardamomo.   Scalda l’olio in una kadhai.Versa il composto in modo uniforme nella kadhai per formare delle spirali. Fanne poche per volta. Friggi finchè non sono dorate e croccanti ma non troppo scure.  Togli dalla padella e scola su carta da cucina e immergi nello sciroppo.Lascia per almeno  4-5 minuti così assorbono lo sciroppo.Toglile dallo sciroppo e servile calde.


Cabbage Pakora - ingredienti e dosi per 3/4 persone:

3 cups Cabbage (thinly sliced)
1 Green Chili (finely chopped)
1 tsp Cumin Seed
1 tsp Chili Powder
1/4 tsp Carrom Seeds (Ajwain)
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
2 cup Gram Flour
4 tbsp Rice Flour
1 tsp baking soda
Oil for deep frying
_FATE  CPSI_Take sliced cabbage in a big bowl, add green chilies, cumin seed, carrom seeds. salt, ginger garlic paste, chili powder and turmeric .Mix everything together. Now add the rice flour, baking soda and gram flour and mix well. The batter which should be dry and thick and not watery. Heat oil in wok, make small balls and flatten these balls on your palm to make small discs from the above mixture. Keep aside. To check if the oil in the kadai is hot drop a small drop of the batter in the oil, if it pops up immediately that means the oil is ready. Now place 4 /5 disc in the hot oil and deep fry until golden brown in colour from both sides. Do not put too many in the kadai at one go otherwise they will not fry evenly.   Serve hot with green chutney and tomato sauce. 
******* note ( notes ) If you want you can keep the chopped cabbage rubbed with little salt aside for 15 minutes. Then take out all the water and then start wih the first step.


Rajma- ingredienti e dosi : 1 cup or 200 gr Rajma  -  2 cloves   -1 cinnamon stick   -
1 bay leaf - 1 tsp oil  - 1 tsp butter  - 1 tsp cumin seeds  - 1tsp turmeric powder  -
1 tsp cumin powder  - 1 tsp garam masala  - 1/2 cup finely chopped onions  -
1 tblsp ginger-garlic paste  - 1 cup chopped tomatoes  - Salt to taste _ FATE  COSI _Wash and soak rajma overnight or for at least for 8 hours. (Kidney beans will get double in size after soaking).Pressure cook the soaked rajma in about 3 cups of water in pressure cooker until rajma is soft and tender. Reserve the stock it can be used later to the gravy.Heat oil in a pan, fry cinnamon stick, cloves and bay leaf for a minute. Then add chopped onions. Saute it till the onions turns to golden brown.Add ginger garlic paste. Fry till golden and cooked. Add chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder and saute it till tomatoes become soft.Add boiled rajma to it with salt, butter and the rajma stock. In case you feel the gravy is less, you can add some water. Cover it and let it simmer it for 20-30 minutes. When the rajma gets nicely blended with the curry sprinkle some chopped coriander and move to a serving dish .Garnish it with few coriander leaves and serve with hot rice.


Char  siu  bao _( Cina )  ingredienti e dosi per 6/8 persone _ 30 gr honey   - 2 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine - 100 ml hoi sin sauce  -1 tbsp soy sauce  -3 heaped tbsp yellow bean sauce  - 600 gr pork fillet  - for the bun dough :  250 ml warm water  - 7 gr  dried yeast  -2 tbsp sugar  -1½ tsp baking powder  -Pinch of salt  -450 gr plain flour _Servire . sweet  chili  sauce _PREPARATION > For the char siu, put the honey, rice wine, hoi sin, soy and yellow bean sauces in a food bag. Add the meat, rub the marinade in well then seal the bag and refrigerate overnight to marinate. Give the bag a little shake every now and again to work in the flavours.The next day preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6. Put about 2cm of water in the bottom of a roasting tray. Put a rack on top and sit the meat on it. Roast for 25 minutes, brushing on more marinade and turning every now and again. Allow to rest for 10 minutes and set the remaining marinade aside.For the dough, in a jug mix the water, yeast, sugar, baking powder and salt, and whisk for about 3-4 minutes until foaming.Put the flour in a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the liquid to the flour, mix until it comes together then knead until it forms a smooth dough. Cover and leave to prove for 1 hour.Tip the dough onto a floured surface and knead again for 5 minutes. Divide into 8 pieces then roll each piece into an 8cm disc.Finely chop the char siu and mix with the remaining marinade. Place a tablespoon of the mixture in the middle of each disc then wrap the dough up around the meat and seal with a pinch.Place the buns sealed-side down on a piece of parchment in a steamer. Make a cross on top with a knife, cover and steam for 10 minutes. Serve immediately with sweet chilli sauce. 


Katsudon >( Giappone )  ingredienti e dosi _ 1 bowl of hot steamed rice  - 1 tonkatsu, freshly made or reheated, sliced  - 2 medium fresh eggs, lightly beaten  - 1/2 small onion, sliced thinly  -50ml / about 1/4 cup dashi stok , or water plus a pinch of dashi stock powder  -2 teaspoons soy sauce  -2 teaspoons sake (leave out if you can’t use alcohol)  -some chopped green onion or mitsuba leaves for garnish_fate  cosi :  This cooks very fast, so make sure everything is ready to go before you start. Put the hot rice in a bowl. Arrange the tonkatsu slices on top. Put the onion and dashi in a small pan and bring up to a boil. Add the soy sauce and sake. Boil another minute. Add the eggs and start beating with chopsticks vigorously. Your aim to is to have very loose, soft scrambled eggs (though if you are not sure about the age or provenance of your eggs, cook them a bit longer). When the eggs are still loose, pour them over the rice and tonkatsu. Add garnish, and eat immediately while piping hot. You should have to blow into your bowl as you eat to cool it down-

Les gyozas! 
Voici donc les Gyozas. Ce sont des raviolis à la pâte fine fourrés à la viande, le plus souvent au porc, mais peuvent aussi contenir du poulet ou du bœuf. Vous devez bien les connaître, même si vous ignorez le nom, puisque la recette se fait aussi bien au Japon qu'en Chine, et donc dans les restaurant chinois occidentaux. Il peut y avoir différentes appellations selon s'il est bouilli (sui-gyōza), rissolés (yaki-gyōza) ou frit (age-gyōza) >>Histoire : C'est en Chine, il y a environ 1800 ans, que les raviolis ont vus le jour. Fourrés à la viande et aux légumes, la recette n'as pas vraiment changée depuis, si ce n'est qu'elle c'est déclinée à toutes les farces possibles : viandes, le plus souvent, mais aussi poisson ou fruit de mer. On ne sait pas grand-chose de plus sur l'histoire des Gyozas, mais ils ont beaucoup voyagé, de Chine jusqu'au États-Unis, en passant par le Japon, la Corée, les pays comme la Russie ou la Pologne, et l'Italie. >>A votre tour!

  A vos fourneaux : (pour 6 - 8 personnes soit une cinquantaine de raviolis) per 45/50 pezzi -
  La pâte :
- 200 gr de farine
- 15 cl d'eau bouillante
- fécule de pommes de terre
(pour éviter que la pâte ne colle lorsqu'on l'étale)La farce :
- 100 gr de viande de porc hachée
- 200 gr de crevettes décortiquées crues, coupées en petits morceaux
- 4 tiges de Nira ( ou de ciboule) coupées très fin
- 1 pincée de sel
- 1 cuillère à soupe d'huile végétale type colza

La préparation (à mélanger dans un bol ! ) :
- 1 cuillère à soupe de sauce soja classique
- 1 cuillère à soupe de bouillon de poule en poudre (épiceries asiatiques)
- 1/2 cuillère à soupe d'huile de sésame
- 1 cuillère à café de gingembre frais râpé ou jus de gingembre
- 1 cuillère à café de sucre >>>Préparation de la pâte :
Mettre la farine dans un bol, ajouter l'eau bouillante et bien mélanger avec des baguettes ou une fourchette.
Lorsque le mélange est un peu moins chaud, pétrir 5 min pour obtenir une pâte parfaitement homogène, mettre en boule et laisser reposer 1 h à température ambiante.

Préparation de la farce :
Dans un autre bol, mettre la viande de porc, les crevettes, un peu de sel et l'huile. Mélanger intimement jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit bien collant.
Ajouter la préparation et le Nira/ la ciboule, bien mélanger.
"Fariner" le plan de travail avec la fécule de pommes de terre.
> FATE  COSI >>Partager la boule de pâte en 8 parts égales. Façonner 8 rouleaux réguliers de 1,5 cm de diamètre environ. Découper chaque rouleau en tranches de 1,5 cm de large. Vous obtenez donc des morceaux de 1,5 cm X 1,5 cm environ, dont vous faites de petites boules.Bien étendre chaque boule au rouleau à pâtisserie pour obtenir des cercles (presque) parfaits et (presque) transparents (environ 10 cm de diamètre). Il est important de bien fariner chaque cercle pour qu'ils ne collent pas entre eux.
Disposer 1 cuillère à café de farce sur chaque cercle, humidifier les bords avec un peu d'eau et former vos gyoza. Si la forme traditionnelle est trop difficile à réaliser, se contenter de les refermer en deux proprement, ce sera plus joli qu'une tentative maladroite.Ces gyoza peuvent se cuire de deux façon :
- Comme des raviolis, quelques minutes dans de l'eau bouillante ou un bouillon. Quand ils sont transparents, ils sont prêts. Égoutter et servir rapidement (arroser d'un soupçon de bouillon permet d'éviter qu'ils ne collent).
- A la poêle : chauffer un trait d'huile de colza dans la poêle. Disposer les gyoza les uns contre les autres en rangs. Laisser griller 2 min, puis ajouter un verre d'eau et couvrir la poêle. L'eau va s'évaporer et finir de cuire les gyoza à la vapeur. Il est de coutume de les retourner dans le plat de service, côté grillé sur le dessus.Déguster accompagné de sauce soja ou du tare de votre choix.
  Remarque :
La préparation ne prend qu'une quinzaine de minutes si vous achetez la pâte toute prête, mais c'est quand même meilleur fait main du début à la fin. Comme pour tout ravioli, il est possible de varier la garniture, mais celle ci, arrachée non sans difficultés à ma belle-mère japonaise, est de loin ma préférée. Ces quantités suffisent pour quatre personnes si une entrée et un dessert sont prévus : il est rare que l'on ne serve qu'une sorte de plats lors d'un repas japonais, on préfère en général picorer.

Chinese  fish  fry  with  Peanuts -ingredienti e dosi per 4/6 persone _
80 gr (3 oz) dried fish fry (4–6 cm length)   -100 gr (3.5 oz) cooked peanuts (with or without skins) -2 cups vegetable oil - 2/3 large green or red chillies, sliced diagonally - 3 cloves garlic, chopped -roughly - 3 stalks spring onions, chopped  -1 tablespoon rice wine - Pinch pepper_prèparation_Heat oil in a saucepan to 120 degrees C. (248 F.) and deep fry fish for about 1 minute. Remove and drain.Heat wok, add about 2 tablespoons of the oil. One by one add chilli peppers, spring onions, garlic, and rice wine, and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add fish and peanuts, stir fry for 4 or 5 minutes.


Maxi   Sushi   jambon  Chèvre _ ingredienti  e  dosi : 4 feuilles d’algues Nori Tanoshi -  225 gr de riz pour sushi Tanoshi  -315 gr d’eau  - 37.5 ml de vinaigre de riz Tanoshi  -22 gr de sucre  -5 gr de sel  - 2 tranches de jambon - Du bon fromage de chèvre (un Valençay ici)  - Du Wasabi Tanoshi  - De la sauce soja Tanoshi_fate  cosi : Laver le riz à l’eau froide jusqu’à ce que l’eau soit bien claire, puis laisser égoutter une vingtaine de minutes dans une passoire. Verser dans une casserole avec les 315 g d’eau, couvrir et porter à ébullition. Maintenir l’ébullition deux minutes, puis cuire à feu doux jusqu’à ce que l’eau soit absorbée. Laisser reposer dix minutes couvercle fermé. Dans un bol, mélanger le vinaigre, le sucre et le sel, jusqu’à ce que le sucre soit fondu. Déposer le riz dans un saladier, verser le mélange au vinaigre dessus et mélanger avec délicatesse. Laisser tiédir. Préparer une feuille d’algue (j’ai utilisé un set de table qui ressemble à s’y méprendre à une natte à sushi  mais sinon j’aurais pris une feuille silicone je pense), déposer une couche de riz sur un tiers de la feuille, en gardant un petit espace en haut et sur les bords. Déposer de petites touches de Wasabi (enfin ça c’est selon les goûts, j’en ai fait avec et sans) puis une lanière de jambon de la même largeur que le riz, et enfin, du fromage de chèvre. Replier la feuille sur le riz, en s’aidant de ses doigts pour maintenir le fromage le temps que le makis se resserre, rouler (sans enrouler la natte dedans ) bien serré jusqu’au bout. Pour servir, j’ai mélangé un tout petit peu de sauce soja Tanoshi avec du Wasabi, puis j’ai dilué avec un peu plus de sauce soja pour obtenir la force que je souhaitais.


Curry  fried  rice _ ingredienti e dosi _1 tablespoon oil  -2 eggs, whisked in a bowl  -1/2 small onion, fine dice  -1/3 carrot, fine dice  -3 cups cooked rice  -80  gr , sliced ham, cut into 1/4" pieces- 1 tablespoon curry powder  -1 teaspoon soy sauce  -salt and pepper to taste  -1 scallion sliced thin.preparacion_Heat a frying pan or wok over high heat until hot. Add half of the oil and then swirl it around the pan to coat. Add the egg and scramble vigorously with a spatula to break it up into small chunks. When the eggs, are barely cooked, transfer them to a plate. Add the rest of the oil to the pan along with the onion and carrot. Stir-fry until the carrots are tender. Add the rice, using your hands to crumble the rice apart as much as possible. Stir-fry, using the spatula to break up the rice so that there are no clumps. Add the ham, and then sprinkle on the curry powder, soy sauce, and pepper. Stir-fry until the curry is fragrant and the rice is shiny. Return the egg to the pan along with the scallions and mix to combine. Taste for salt and adjust as needed.


Agar  Agar _ autres noms : Gèlifiant alimentaire , poudre d'algues _ L'agar-agar est une sorte de gélifiant 100% naturel, extrait d'une petite algue rouge. Il est consommé par l'homme depuis des siècles. L'agar-agar est apprécié pour son caractère naturel, sa facilité d'emploi et son faible taux en calories. Il n'a pratiquement aucun goût, ni aucune couleur _


Dongpo pork - ingredienti e dosi per 4 persone _
1 kg (2.2 lb) piece pork belly
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon tea leaves
4 stalks spring onions
7 cm ( 3 ) length fresh, young ginger, sliced lengthways into matchstick widths
Optional: 300 gr (11 oz ) broccoli, cut into small florets
SALSA INGREDIENTI _ 1 cup water  , 8 cloves garlic, lightly crushed  , 5 slices old ginger (or 7 slices young ginger)  , 1 tablespoon black peppercorns  , 4 tablespoons soy sauce  , 2 tablespoons yellow wine (e.g. Shaoxing wine)  , 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil  , 2 tablespoons sugar
Thickening>>  1 teaspoon corn flour, 1 tablespoon water, stirred well before use
PRèPARATION: Blanch pork in a pot of boiling water. Throw out water. Put pork back in pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 30 minutes. Heat a wok and add sauce ingredients. Mix well and bring to a boil. Add pork and cook each surface for a few minutes over a medium heat. Remove pork and drain well. Pour remaining sauce into a small saucepan and set aside. Clean and drain wok. Heat vegetable oil to a medium heat. Fry pork on all sides until it is well browned, making sure skin side is a little crispy. Steep tea leaves in hot water for a couple of minutes, remove and set aside. Place pork in pot of water again–topping up water if necessary. Add tea leaves and simmer for 30 minutes. Place scallion stalks on bottom of a steamer. Transfer pork to steamer. Steam for 2 hours, turning pork after 1 hour (because of long steaming time, you may need to replenish steamer water). Add broccoli to steamer for final 5 minutes of cooking time (boil it separately for 3 minutes if there is no room in steamer. Remove pork to a serving dish and arrange broccoli around it. Reheat sauce in saucepan, adding and stirring in thickener. Pour over pork and serve. Garnish with young ginger slivers, which are meant to be eaten.


Zuppa  di  noodle con verdure e manzo : ingredienti e dosi _ 225 gr di carne di manzo;  1 spicchio d'aglio pestato;  2 cipollotti tritati;  3 cucchiai di salsa di soia;  1 cucchiaino d'olio di sesamo;  225 gr  di noodle all'uovo;  850 ml di brodo di manzo; 3 pannocchiette affettate;  1/2 porro tritato;  100/130  gr di cimette di broccoli; un pizzico di peperoncino in polvere.FATE  COSI _Con un coltello affilato, tagliate la carne a listarelle e mettetela in una ciotola di vetro poco profonda.Aggiungete l'aglio, i cipollotti, la salsa di soia e l'olio di sesamo e mescolate bene per insaporire la carne. Lasciate riposare in frigorifero per 30 minuti.Cuocete i noodle in acqua bollente per 3-4 minuti. Scolateli bene e metteteli da parte. Portate a ebollizione in una pentola il brodo di carne. ,aggiungete al brodo il composto fatto marinare in frigorifero, le pannocchiette, i porri e i broccoli. Coprite e lasciate sobbollire a fuoco basso per circa 8 minuti, finché le verdure e la carne non sono ben cotti. Aggiungete i noodle e il peperoncino e fate cuocere per altri 3 minuti. Distribuite la zuppa nelle ciotole e servitela subito_


Kasutera  (Honey cake Giapponese ) ingredienti e dosi _   4 eggs, room temperature -    ½ cup + 1 tablespoon sugar  -      25 ml milk (2 tablespoon, minus 2 teaspoon), slightly  -warmed  -  2 tablespoon honey  -    200 gr  bread flour (½ cup + 2 tablespoon) or>  200 gr cake flour (½ cup + ¼ cup + 1 teaspoon) -fate   cosi :  Preheat oven to 350°F.;  Mix eggs and sugar well in a glass mixing bowl.   Dissolve the honey in warm milk completely.   Put the mixing bowl in hot water, keep mixing the eggs and sugar on low till the mixture is warm.Take the bowl out of the warm water and turn the speed up to high, beat till the mixture is white and fluffy and that the mixture is about tripled in volume.   Add the honey milk mixture to the egg mixture and mix well-   Mix in flour (bread or cake, just one kind in one batch) in three small portions.   Beat the batter on medium speed for 30/45 seconds till the batter is foamy and well mixed.  Line the cake pan with parchment paper. Pour batter into the home made can pan. Scrap the cake batter to ensure there are no big air bubbles. Take the cake out after the first minute and scrap off any air bubble formed on the surface of the cake. Put the cake back into the oven and continue to bake for 30 minutes.Check the cake at 30 minutes and see if the top is already very browned, cover the top of the cake pan with foil, and bake for an additional 10/15 minutes, till a toothpick comes out clean.  Let the cake cooled down to almost room temperature (still warm to touch) then wrap it air tight with plastic wraps and chill in the fridge overnight before eating. This will make the cake more moist--don't skip!



Takikomi  Gohan  _ ingredienti  e   dosi  _haiga mai ( half  polished  brown  rice)
3 1/2 cups dashi
1/2 block konnyaku
4 shiitake mushrooms
1 carrot
1 cup snow peas
1/2 cup diced chicken (optional)
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp sake  -  preparation > There are many ways to mix ingredients into rice. Two of the most common forms are Takikomi-gohan, where the ingredients are cooked in the rice, and Maze-gohan, where the ingredients are added after the rice is cooked. This traditional recipe can be used with either plain rice or sticky (often labeled sweet, or mochi) rice. Cut the konnyaku into strips, and simmer in the dashi, adding the soy sauce, mirin, salt, sugar, and sake. Continue to simmer for about 20 minutes, until the strips are nicely flavored. Konnyaku has very little flavoring on its own, so it takes on the flavor of the simmering liquid. Taste a piece; it should be strongly flavored so that it retains its flavor while cooking. - Soak the shiitake mushrooms for at least 30 monutes. Drain, reserving the liquid (but discard the last bit of liquid at the bottom, as it can contain debris, or little bits of mushroom.) Cut into 1/4” strips. Simmer the shiitake strips in the simmering liquid from the konnyaku, adding some or all of the reserved soaking liquid from the shiitake. I am often asked why the shiitake and konnyaku are not cooked together. The reason is to try to retain as much of the separate unique flavors as possible. Drain the shiitake and let the liquid cool to room temperature. Cut the lengthwise carrot into thin sheets. Cut the sheets into 1/2” by 1/8” pieces. Cut the snow peas diagonally into thirds. Wash and measure the rice. Add the cooled liquid. Add water until the desired amount is reached. Add the ingredients, and cook in the same way as plain rice. You can add sautéed diced chicken to this dish, making it a full meal. 


  Pork  and  shrimp  filling _ ingredienti  e  dosi :1/2 pound boneless lean pork   -  1/2 pound shelled and deveined medium shrimp   -  3 water chestnuts  -2 slices ginger, or as needed to make 1 teaspoon  - 1 tablespoon oyster sauce -  2 teaspoons soy sauc  -1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine, dry sherry or rice vinegar - 1 teaspoon granulated sugar  -a few drops sesame oil  -Freshly ground white pepper, to taste Wonton wrappers, as needed _fate  cosi - Finely chop the pork and shrimp. Peel the water chestnuts and finely chop. Mince the ginger until you have 1 teaspoon.Combine the pork and shrimp with the water chestnuts, minced ginger, oyster sauce, soy sauce, rice wine or sherry or rice vinegar, sugar, sesame oil and white pepper. To fill the wontons, lay one won ton skin in front of you. (Cover the remaining won ton skins with a damp towel to keep them from drying out). Moisten all the edges of the won ton wrapper with water. Place a heaping teaspoon of won ton filling in the center. Fold the wonton wrapper in half lengthwise, making sure the ends meet. Press down firmly on the ends to seal. Use thumbs to push down on the edges of the filling to center it. Keeping thumbs in place, fold over the wonton wrapper one more time. Push the corners up and hold in place between your thumb and index finger. Wet the corners with your fingers. Bring the two ends together so that they overlap. Press to seal. The finished product should resemble a nurse's cap. Repeat with remaining wontons. - oppure alternate  method >  Place the teaspoon of filling in the middle of the wrapper and twist to seal. The final result should resemble a money bag or drawstring purse.Boiling the wontons: Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the won tons, making sure there is enough room for them to move about freely. Let the wontons boil for 5 - 8 minutes, until they rise to the top and the filling is cooked through. Remove from the pot with a slotted spoon. Deep-frying the wontons: Heat oil for deep-frying to 360 degrees. Add wonton in small batches and fry, turning occasionally, about 2 minutes or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Wontons can be prepared ahead of time up to the cooking stage and frozen. Thaw before cooking.

photo  moi  to  chef  de  cusine _ Milano , Italy

Boeuf  sautè  à  l'orange ( ricetta Chinese ) ingredienti e dosi _ 400 gr de steak de bœuf   - 3 oranges  - 4 gousses d’ail  -2 échalotes  - 40 gr de gingembre frais  - 3 cs de ciboulette ciselée (l’été, je congèle toujours de la ciboulette ciselée pour en avoir en hiver)  1 cs d’huile d’arachide ou de sésame  -1 cs de sauce soja  -1 cc de poivre _fate  cosi : Dans un wok, faire chauffer l’huile. Pendant ce temps, tailler le steak en lanières. Faire dorer le steak quelques instant pour qu’il se colore puis réserver. Dans le wok, faire revenir les échalotes ciselées, l’ail coupé en bâtonnets, le gingembre taillé en bâtonnets. Zester puis presser une orange et ajouter le zeste et le jus dans le wok. Eplucher les 2 oranges restantes et couper les quartiers d’oranges en 4.  Ajouter la moitié des oranges dans le wok, laisser réduire, remettre le bœuf, ajouter la sauce soja et la ciboulette et terminer avec les dés d’orange restants. Poursuivre la recette 2 ou 3 mn puis servir bien chaud sur du riz blanc.


Eating  China _ ingredienti e dosi : 3 tablespoons soy sauce  - 1 teaspoon white rice wine vinegar -1 teaspoon white sugar - 1/2 teaspoon chilli, chopped finely -1 stalk scallion, chopped  -1 clove garlic, minced  -Pinch pepper-prèparation_Mix the liquid dipping sauce ingredients in a bowl, making sure sugar is dissolved. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.
  conseil du chef adrianomennillo per  variazione :  add a teaspoon of rice vinegar and/or a teaspoon of chili sauce. You can make up a larger quantity, and keep it in the fridge for several months.


Zuppa  di  Miso _ ingredienti e dosi per 4 persone  _( è molto popolare in Giappone ) Alghe wakame: 1 cucchiaio  - 1/2  porro, 1  cipolla, 1 patata,  1 daikon  -Dashi: 600 ml  -Miso: 100 gr ogni  ( 1 ) litro d'acqua. method _ Mettete 5 gr di dashi in 600 ml di acqua fredda e poi portate ad ebollizione., nel frattempo tagliate a listelle le verdure, mettetele nel dashi e bollite per 10 minuti circa.  Aggiungete quindi le alghe wakame e continuate a cuocere per altri 2 minuti.
Spegnete il fuoco e solo in questo momento aggiungete il miso nella proporzione di 100 grammi circa ogni litro d'acqua. La dose di acqua è riferita a quanta ne è rimasta dopo la cottura degli ingredienti e non in riferimento all'acqua che si è utilizzata all'inizio. Servite ben caldo in piccole ciotole. Se la zuppa si raffredda e qualcuno vuole fare il bis date una riscaldata _ 
very  important _  non far bollire troppo a lungo il miso che altrimenti perderebbe il suo sapore.

 Cantonese  potsticker : ingredienti e dosi _ 12 ounces minced pork  - 6 ounces bok choy  - 1 package dumpling  pastry * ( pasta adatta solo per fare i gnocchi   - 1/4 teaspoon salt  -1/4 teaspoon chicken bouillion  - 1/2 teaspoon suga  - pinch white pepper  -a few drops sesame oil  - 1/2 teaspoon cornstarch _prèparation_ Defrost dumpling pastry.  Saute or blanch vegetables until just wilted. Drain and coarsely chop.   Mix pork with seasonings. Add to chopped vegetables. Put a generous tablespoon of pastry onto a sheet of filling . Make into a traditional dumpling, or use a crescent press and press into crescents .To fry dumplings, fry dumpling on one side until golden, then turn. Add a small amount of water and cover for 3 minutes, to make sure the filling is properly cooked. Remove lid when water has more or less evaporated but do not touch dumplings. Add a bit of oil and fry for another minute. Toss dumplings around to cook them evenly. A healthy alternative is to steam dumplings in steamers on high heat for 8 minutes, after water has come to a boil. For dipping, use either Chinese or balsamic vinegar with ginger shreds. Soy sauce and vinegar is good as well.



Shao Mai di gamberi _INGREDIENTI   per  4  PERSONE _
Per la pasta : 250 gr di farina  00 - 100 gr di acqua fredda -1 uovo _
Per il ripieno : 400 gr di gamberi  - sale, pepe e vino cinese _ METHOD _Tritare i gamberi a mano con forza, per dargli elasticità, poi condirli con sale, pepe e vino cinese. Con la pasta di acqua e farina, tirata sottile, preparare dei fagottini ripieni che rimangono mezzi aperti in superficie. Cuocere a vapore in vaporiera di bambù per 10 minuti.

photo by adrianomennillo >  baby  massimoadrianomennillo _1983


Daikon  con  pollo . ingredienti  per 4 persone _ Daikon: 600 gr -  Coscia di pollo: 4  - Zenzero fresco: 40 gr - Porri: 1  -Olio di sesamo: 2 cucchiai -Dashi: 800 ml -Sake: 50 ml - Mirin: 50 ml  - Salsa di soia: 100  ml  - Zucchero: 6 cucchiai _METHOD- Il daikon va tagliato prima a rondellone dello spessore di almeno 2cm che poi vanno tagliate a metà in modo da formare dei pezzi abbastanza grandi ma non troppo. Dopo aver disossato le coscie tagliatele a pezzi abbastanza grossi grandi poco meno dei pezzi di daikon e successivamente dopo aver riscaldato l'olio in una pentola soffriggete il daikon e la carne di pollo per circa 5 minuti. Sciogliete la polvere di dashi in 800 ml di acqua fredda e poi portate ad ebollizione, dopodiché aggiungete il sake, lo zenzero il daikon e la carne di pollo. Il tutto dovrà bollire a fuoco medio per circa mezz'ora. Ogni tanto mescolate e controllate finché il daikon diventa abbastanza morbido ma non ececssivamente. Versate il Mirin e lo zucchero e fate bollire per ulteriori dieci minuti, poi come ultimo ingrediente aggiungete la salsa di soia e fate bollire per altri dieci minuti. Fate riposare per alcuni miuti prima di servire in una piccola ciotola accompagnato da qualche pezzettino di porro tagliato molto fine.
************CONSEIL  DU  CHEF ADRIANOMENNILLO _ Se fate riposare per alcune ore il daikon e il pollo diventeranno ancora più gustosi ma non dimenticatevi di riscaldare questo piatto prima di servirlo.

photo Rosa to > Stresa

Pollo  al  sesamo : ingredienti e dosi _800 gr di filetti di pollo  tagliati a julienne   , 2 cucchiai di semi di sesamo  , 2 cucchiaini di olio di sesamo  , 2 cucchiai di salsa di soia  , 2 spicchi d’aglio schiacciati  , 2 cucchiai di sherry  , 1 porro (solo la parte bianca tagliata a julienne)  , 1 cucchiaio d’olio di oliva  , 1 cucchiaino di zucchero_ prèparation_Scaldare molto bene il wok, tostare i semi di sesamo a fiamma alta e metterli da parte.  Eliminare parti grasse e nervetti dal pollo, ridurlo a striscioline e friggerle poche alla volta. Rimettere tutto il pollo nel wok, aggiungere il porro e l’aglio, poi cuocere per 3 minuti, fino a doratura della carne. , continuare la cottura, a padella coperta e a fiamma ridotta, per altri 2 minuti.Aggiungere la salsa di soia, lo sherry, lo zucchero e i semi di sesamo tostati e mescolare bene. Condire con sale e pepe nero macinato al momento e servire.


Hiyashi  Chika _ ingredienti e dosi per 2 persone _2 packs of Chinese noodles   - 2 chicken breast fillets  - 2 small cucumbers (sliced julienne)  - 1/2 tomato (sliced)  - 1 cup bean sprouts   -5 dried shitake mushrooms  - 2 eggs  - Some pickled red ginger (an optional topping) -Spices for shitake  -1 tbsp sugar  - 1 tbsp mirin   - 1 tbsp sake  - 1 tbsp soy  sauce -Spices for sauce 1/4 cup vinegar  - 1/4 cup soy sauce   - 2 tbsp sugar   - 2 tbsp ground sesame  - 1 tsp sesame oil  - 2 tbsp sake (for chicken) _fate  cosi  Soak dried mushrooms in water for 20 min then slice the mushrooms (hold on to the juice–you’ll need it in the next step)  Mix spices for shitake (sugar, mirin, sake, soy sauce) and 1/3 cup of the shitake juice in a sauce pan, add shitake, then boil for 5 min on low heat and let cool . Mix spices for sauce (sugar, soy sauce, sugar, sesame, sesame oil) and 1/4 cup water in a bowl and chill in the fridge . Beat eggs in a small bowl and salt to taste. Heat oil in a frying pan then pour in the eggs and fry them like an omelet (see pic below). Turn and cook the other side  . When the eggs are finished cooking, remove and slice into tiny strips  .Boil bean sprouts for 1 min and strain  . Remove the stringy, white tendon from the chicken breasts then combine the chicken and sake in a small microwave-safe container and cover with plastic wrap, microwaving for 3 min. Remove and pull apart . Boil Chinese noodles for 5 min (follow the package directions), douse with cold water to stop the cooking process, then strain Place noodles in a serving dish, add shitake, bean sprouts, chicken, cucumber, tomato, egg and top with red ginger Serve with the sauce from the fridge (on the side, or pour over) Enjoy _

Chinese  Zongzi _ ingredienti e dosi :40 large dried bamboo leaves (2 for each zongzi)
20 long strings (for binding leaves)
1 kg (2.2 Ib) long grain sticky rice
2 kg (4.4 Ib) pork belly, sliced into 3 cm (1") cubes
10 salted duck's egg yolks
40 small dried shiitake (black) mushrooms
20 dried, shelled chestnuts
10 spring onions, cut up into 1 cm (1/2") lengths
500 gr (18 oz) dried radish
100 gr (3.5 oz) very small dried shrimp
200 gr (7 oz) raw, shelled peanuts (with skins)
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup rice wine
Vegetable oil
5 cloves of garlic, roughly crushed
1 teaspoon black pepper
1-1/2 teaspoons sugar
2 star anise
1 teaspoon five spice powder
fate cosi :Soak rice in water for three hours, drain.Stir-fry pork for a few minutes. Add chestnuts, soy sauce, rice wine, ground pepper, 1 teaspoon of sugar, star anise and five spice powder, bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 1 hour. Remove pork and chestnuts from liquid and set aside. Boil peanuts until tender (30 minutes to 1 hour). Soak mushrooms until soft. Clean and trim stalks. Cut into 2 or 3 pieces. Stir-fry with a little liquid from pork stew. Halve duck egg yolks. Chop up dried radish finely and stir-fry with 1/2 teaspoon sugar and garlic. Stir-fry spring onions until fragrant. Stir-fry shrimp for a few minutes. To a large wok or bowl, add rice, peanuts, radish, shrimp, spring onions, a little liquid from the stew mixture and 2 tablespoons of oil. Mix well_


Wrap Zongzi  :  Soak bamboo leaves in warm water for 5 minutes to tenderise, before washing thoroughly in cold water. Wet strings to make them more pliable. Take 2 leaves with leaf stem or spine facing out. Overlap them lengthwise in inverse directions (pointed end of one leaf facing the rounded end of the other). With both hands hold leaves about 2/3rds of the way along their length. At that point bend them so that they are parallel lengthwise and also overlap. This should produce a leaf pouch that you cup firmly in one hand. Add a small amount of rice mixture, compressing with a spoon. Add 1 piece each of pork, chestnut, mushroom, duck egg yoke. Add more rice until you have nearly a full pouch. Compress firmly with a spoon. Fold leaves over the open top of zongzi, then around to side until zongzi is firmly wrapped. Zongzi should be pyramid shaped with sharp edges and pointed ends. Trim off any excess leaf with scissors. Tie up zongzi tightly just like shoes laces with a double knot. Normally they are tied to a bunch of zongzi.


Crema di fave allo zenzero _ ingredienti per 4 persone _1 kg di fave fresche sbucciate - 1/2 patata -zenzero fresco - sale_fate cosi _ Fate bollire la patata quanto basta. A parte bollite le fave. Unite il tutto, grattugiate lo zenzero a piacere e frullate fino a ottenere un composto cremoso (aggiungete un po’ d’acqua se necessario). Aggiustate di sale. Servite volendo con crostini di pane abbrustolito e un filo d’olio extravergine d’oliva


Crab  Ravioli _ ingredienti e dosi :4 oz cream cheese, softened -1 egg yolk
2 “Chicken of the Sea” canned crab meat (6oz), drained, reserving 2 tablespoons juice -3 tablespoons finely chopped spring onion
10 “NABISCO” Premium saltine crackers, made into crumbs
salt and pepper to taste
MSG to taste (optional)
40 won ton wrappers
1 egg white to glaze
(Sauce) 1 “Campbell” canned concentrated tomato bisque soup  - 2 teaspoons butter  - 1 rounded teaspoon all-purpose flour  - pepper to taste  - finely chopped parsley to garnish_METHOD -In a mixing bowl, mix the cream cheese and egg yolk well. Add the crab meat together with the reserved can juice, spring onion and cracker crumbs and mix well. Season with salt, pepper and MSG (if you are using). Chill the filling in a refrigerator for 30 minutes. Lay the won ton wrapper on a work surface, spoon 1 round teaspoon of the filling to the centre of the wrapper. Fold the wrapper in half to form a triangle, brush the edges with a little amount of the egg white and press firmly to seal. Take the corners of the triangle which are along the long side and fold them over each other. Brush again with a little amount of the egg white to help the corners stick together. Again chill the ravioli in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. In the meantime, empty the canned soup in a microwavable dish and add 1 can of water. Cook in a full power microwave for 2 minutes.Melt the butter in a small sauce pan at a low heat, add the flour and whisk constantly until flour melts. Gradually add the thinned soup, whisking well after each addition. Bring to the boil and cook for a few more minutes until the sauce is thickened. Keep warm. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Cook batches of the ravioli for 2 to 3 minutes each. Drain well and divide among the plates. Top with the sauce and garnish with the parsley.


Pousses  de  bambou  au  tofu _ ingredienti e dosi per 4/6 persone - 3 champignons  noirs déshydratés, mis à tremper 20 minutes  - 55 gr de bok choy  - huile pour la friture  - 450 gr de tofu ferme, coupé en cubes de 2,5 cm  - 55 gr de pousses de bambou en boîte, rincées et finement hachées - 1 cuillère à café de sauce d'huître - 1 cuillère à café de sauce de soja claire _method_
Égoutter les champignons, presser de façon à exprimer l'excédent d'eau et hacher en ôtant les liges dures. Blanchir le bok choy 30 secondes à l'eau bouillante, égoutter et réserver.  Dans un wok, chauffer l'huile à 180°c, de sorte qu'un dès de pain y dore en 30 secondes.Ajouter le tofu , faire frire jusqu'à ce qu'il soit doré et égoutter. Réserver. Dans un wok préchauffé ou une sauteuse, chauffer 1 cuillerée à soupe d'huile, ajouter les champignons et le bok choy, et bien remuer. Ajouter le tofu les pousses de bambou, la sauce d'huître et la sauce de soja, bien chauffer le tout et servir immédiatement
conseil du chef adrianomennillo : Tofu di solito è usato in una vasta gamma di prelibatezze come "Insalata di tofu" con olio di sesamo foglie e teneri e steli di erba cipollina cinese, il "tofu sbriciolato Fried Chicken", che unisce tofu sbriciolato, il uova e cipolle e famosi piatti del Sichuan come "salsa di ostriche tofu", l '"Mapo Tofu" (tofu moda Sichuan) e "tofu salsa chili _

photo moi all' Hotel  Regina  palace  - STRESA  _ TO demichef  de  rang


Gyoza _ ingredienti e dosi per 8 persone _ 1/2 pound ground pork (1 cup)  , 3/4 cup shredded Napa cabbage  , 1 green onion, diced  , 2 teaspoons minced ginger  , 1 egg, lightly beaten  , 1 tablespoon soy sauce  , 1/4 teaspoon hot chili oil, or to taste  , 1/4 teaspoon sesame oil  , 2 tablespoons vegetable oil for frying, or as needed  , 30 gyoza wrappers, or as needed_fate  cosi -Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Blanch the shredded cabbage until it is tender but still crisp. Plunge into ice cold water, remove, and drain thoroughly. In a medium bowl, combine the ground pork, cooked cabbage, green onion, minced ginger, egg, soy sauce, chili oil and sesame oil. Lay a gyoza wrapper in front of you. Wet all the edges with water. Place a teaspoon of filling in the middle of the wrapper. Fold the sides up to form a semicircle, and then pinch the edges to seal. Continue with the rest of the gyoza wrappers until the filling is gone. To cook, heat 1 tablespoon oil in a heavy frying pan over medium-high to high heat. Add 12 - 15 of the gyoza and cook for 2 minutes, or until golden brown on the bottom. Add 1/2 cup of water to the pan. Cover the dumplings and cook until the water is absorbed (5 to 7 minutes)


Gamberi  al  cocco  e  senape _ ingredienti e dosi per 6/8 persone _ 20 gamberi di media grandezza, lavati e puliti  , ½ cucchiaino di curcuma  , ½ cucchiaino di peperoncino rosso in polvere  , 4 cucchiai di olio di senape  , 1 peperoncino verde intero  , 1 cipolla piccola affettata sottile  ,1 aglio tritato  , 1 cucchiaino di zenzero tritato  , 3 cucchiai di senape in polvere  , 1 cucchiaio di fecola di patate o amido di mais  , 1 tazza di cocco fresco grattugiato (oppure 3/4 di tazza di cocco essiccato il polvere fatto rinvenire in acqua tiepida)  - coriandolo fresco tritato a piacere ( o prezzemolo ) -sale  - FATE  COSI > Lasciate i gamberi a marinare per mezz’ora in una ciotola con la curcuma, il peperoncino in polvere e un po’ di sale. Scaldate l’olio in un ampio tegame antiaderente finché non fuma, quindi togliete il tegame dal fuoco e lasciate raffreddare per 15 secondi. Unite il peperoncino verde e la cipolla, soffriggete, unite anche l’aglio e lo zenzero, soffriggete ancora per meno di un minuto. A parte, mescolate in una ciotola la senape, la fecola e un po’ d’acqua fino a creare un composto omogeneo, quindi unite anche il cocco e mescolate a lungo e con molta cura. Trasferite il composto nel tegame, unite 3/4 di tazza d’acqua e lasciate cuocere per 3, 4 minuti. Quando la salsa appare ridotta, buttate nel tegame i gamberi e cuoceteli per 3 minuti, rigirandoli. Prima di servire, guarnite con il coriandolo

Chikuzenni whit  Japanese Taro _ ingredienti e dosi per 2 persone _
2–3 large satoimo (about 9 oz or 250 gr), peeled and halved
1/4 large gobo (about 2.5 oz. or 75 g), peeled and cut on the diagonal
1 carrot (about 3.5 oz. or 100 gr), peeled and cut into rangiri
3 shiitake mushrooms, stems pulled off and halved
1/2 chicken thigh (about 5.25 oz. or 150 g), cut into bite-sized pieces
1/2 konnyaku, massaged w/ salt, rinsed, & cut into small pieces w/ the edge of a glass
1/4 Tbsp. oil
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp. sake
1 1/2 Tbsp. mirin
1 1/2 Tbsp. shoyu
3/4 cups (200 ml) dashi
prèparation_ Cut a piece of parchment to the size of the pan you’ll be using.
Place the gobo in a pot and fill with water until just covered. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for 2 mins. Drain and set aside. In a pan, heat oil over medium. Add the chicken and cook on both sides until no longer pink. Add the gobo, carrots, satoimo, and konnyaku and toss to coat with oil. Next, add the sugar and stir to combine. Turn the heat to high and add the sake, mirin, shoyu, and dashi. Tilt the pan around to mix the liquids together.
When it comes to a boil, lower the heat to medium and cover with the parchment paper. Cook for 20 mins., stirring once or twice. Remove the parchment paper and increase to high heat and jostle the pan to coat ingredients and cook for another 3–4 minuti _
conseil du chef adrianomennillo _ si consiglia di fare questo piatto il giorno prima , il giorno dopo lo scaldate a fuoco lento ( oppure a bagnomaria ) và mangiato a temperatura ambiente _


Anatra  alla  Pechinese _ ingredienti  e  dosi  per  6/8 persone _  1 anatra  - ½ cucchiaio di zucchero  - 1 cucchiaio di polvere ai cinque aromi - 1 cipolla tritata  -zenzero grattugiato  -anice stellato  -1 cucchiaio di sale  -1 pizzico di pepe  -500 gr di zucchero  -100 gr di miele  -300 gr di aceto-preparation > Prendere un’anatra intera, pulirla e svuotarla internamente. ,nello stomaco inserire un composto – preparato in precedenza – con un cucchiaio di sale, ½ cucchiaio di zucchero, un cucchiaio di polvere ai cinque aromi, un pizzico di pepe, 1 cipolla tritata, zenzero grattugiato e anice stellato. Terminata la farcitura, ricucire e spennellare l’anatra con un liquido composto da 500 gr di zucchero, 100 gr  di miele, 300 grammi di aceto, il tutto diluito in poca acqua. Lasciare asciugare l’anatra per 2 o 3 giorni. Terminata l’asciugatura passare in forno a 200° per circa un’ora. A cottura ultimata, svuotare, sfilettare carne e pelle e servire in un grande piatto con 5 crêpe di farina, julienne di carote, cetrioli e porri e salsa con frutti di mare e ananas. Prendere una crêpe, passarci un cucchiaino di salsa, posare le verdure e poi i filetti di carne e pelle, arrotolare il tutto e mangiare con le mani.

Beggar ' s    chicken  . ingredienti e dosi per 4 persone _1 2 1/2 - 3 pound fryer chicken  - 2 teaspoons salt  -1 teaspoon ginger juice  -4 tablespoons oil  -1 scallion (green onion, spring onion), chopped fine  -4 ounces pork, shredded  -1 tablespoon sherry  -1 tablespoon light soy sauce  -1 teaspoon sugar  -2 ounces preserved Yunnan cabbage, julienne  - 1 large piece of aluminum foil _fate  cosi _ Rub cleaned chicken with salt. Rub ginger juice inside chicken. Set aside.Heat 2 tablespoons oil in wok. Stir-fry scallion. Add pork. Stir on high heat. Add sherry, soy sauce, and sugar. Remove to bowl. Heat 2 tablespoons more oil in wok. Stir-fry cabbage. Pour in meat mixture. Stir-fry 1 minute.(Add more sugar if desired). Stuff meat mixture into chicken. Wrap in foil and place in pan.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake chicken 1 hour. Then turn heat to 400 degrees and bake 15 more minutes. Remove foil. Remove stuffing from chicken to platter. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces. Arrange on top of stuffing. Serve hot.


Mapo  Tofu _ ingredienti :  Serves 4 to 5 as part of a multi-course meal, or 2 to 3 as the main entree
Sauce: 1 tablespoon fermented black beans ( or substitute black bean sauce )
1 cup chicken stock
2 tablespoons chili bean paste
1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon ground Sichuan pepper
2 tablespoons peanut or vegetable oil
½ pound ground pork or beef
2 leeks, white parts thinly sliced at an angle
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon minced ginger
1 block soft or medium-firm tofu (about 1 pound), drained and cut into 1-inch cubes
1 tablespoon cornstarch, mixed with 2 tablespoons water
1 scallion, green part chopped for garnish
prèparation la salsa : Prepare the sauce: Rinse the black beans to remove any grit. In a small bowl, mash the black beans with the back of a spoon. Combine the black beans with the chicken stock, chili bean paste, rice wine, sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar, and Sichuan pepper and set aside. Heat a wok or large skillet over high heat until a bead of water sizzles and evaporates on contact. Add the peanut oil and swirl to coat the base and sides. Add the pork and stir-fry until crispy and starting to brown but not yet dry, about 2 minutes, breaking up the pork with a spatula. Reduce the heat to medium, then add leeks, garlic, and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, about 1 minute. Pour in the sauce and bring the liquid to a boil, the reduce to a simmer. The liquid should now be a rich red color. Gently add the tofu cubes, being careful to not move them around too much or else they will break up. Allow the sauce to simmer for about 2 to 3 minutes so the tofu can cook and absorb the the sauce. Carefully push the tofu to the sides and create a small well in the middle. Stir in the cornstarch mixture in the center. Allow the liquid to simmer for another minute, until the sauce has thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon. Transfer to a deep plate or wide bowl, sprinkle scallions on top, and serve hot.


Zuppa di pollo e gamberi : per 4 persone
  - 1 petto di pollo (circa 500 gr )  -1 scalogno - 1/2  carota-1 cuore di sedano - 4 gamberoni freschi  - ½ peperone verde non piccante - 1 trito di erba cipollina - 1 cucchiaio di salsa di soia - olio _method _Preparare un brodo vegetale con il sedano e la carota. Aggiungere il pollo tagliato a dadini e terminare la cottura. Togliere il pollo. Passare la carota e il sedano fino ad ottenere una crema. Nel wok scaldare in poco olio lo scalogno tritato finemente e il peperone verde tagliato a listerelle sottili. A metà cottura aggiungere i gamberoni (sgusciati solo nella parte della coda). Spruzzare la salsa di soia. Al termine della cottura aggiungere il pollo, la crema di verdure, unire il brodo quanto basta e il trito di erba cipollina. Servire ben calda.

Kurogoma  Soba  Noodles : ingredienti e dosi per 2 persone _ 1/4 cup black sesame seeds   , 4 tsp sugar  , 1 Tbsp shoyu  , 1 Tbsp rice vinegar  , 1 tsp sesame oil  , 1 satsuma age (fish cake) optional  , 1 stalk green onion, sliced on the diagonal  , 2 Tbsp chopped cilantro , 2 servings soba (they’re usually bundled in 1 serving portions) ( method )  Toast sesame seeds in a 10″ skillet over high heat until fragrant, tossing constantly. Keep a close eye when doing this because once the sesame is burned, it’s no good. I test whether it’s done by touching the seeds and if they’re hot to the touch, I know they’re done. Place in a Japanese mortar and grind well. Alternatively, Heidi says you can use a food processor (I haven’t tried this). Add the sugar, shoyu, vinegar, and sesame oil and mix well. Boil a small pot of water for the satsuma age (if using). The age is already cooked, but you’ll want to blanch to get rid of the stale oil that coats it. Slice and set aside. Boil a large pot of water and cook the soba according to the package directions. It should take between 4 to 5 mins. Drain and run cold water over the soba to cool. Drain well or the final product will be soggy and diluted. Add the soba to the sesame mixture and toss until well incorporated. Add the green onions, cilantro, and and satsuma age and toss to combine. Serve immediately.
***** conseil du chef adrianomennillo : è meglio usare gli spaghetti di grano duro _


Clam  Sycee _ ingredienti  e  dosi  per 4/6 persone ( piatto  popolare  di  Shanghai ) _ 2 dozen clams, such as littleneck or cherrystone   , 2 teaspoons olive oil  , 1/2 cup dry white wine   , 2 tablespoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry, divided , 1 slice ginger  , 1 green onion, cut on the diagonal into thirds  , 1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 2 tablespoons water  , 3/4 cup chicken broth or stock  , 1 tablespoon oyster sauce , 2 tablespoons soy sauce, divided  , 1 teaspoon granulated sugar  , 3/4 pound ground pork  , 1 tablespoon cornstarch  , Salt, to taste - prèparation _Use a stiff brush to scrub the outside of the clams under cold running water. Drain. Heat a wok or large frying pan over medium high heat. Add the olive oil, wine, 1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine or sherry, ginger, and green onion and the clams. Cover and cook just until the clams open (about 10 minutes). Use a slotted spoon to remove the clams from the pan. Do not clean out the pan.While the clams are steaming, mix the cornstarch and water into a paste. Combine the chicken broth, oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon soy sauce and sugar. Shuck the clams, setting aside the shells for later. Mince the clam meat and combine with the ground pork. Stir in 1 tablespoon sherry, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, and salt to taste.Stuff this mixture into the clam half shells. Rub the cornstarch/water mixture paste over top. Reserve any extra cornstarch paste to add to the sauce later.At this point you can either deep- fry  or  strir--fry  the clams. If deep-frying, be careful to deep-fry only a few clams at a time, meat side up, sliding them carefully into the wok so that the oil doesn't splatter. Deep-fry until golden in color and drain on paper towels or a tempura rack if you have one. If stir-frying, place the clams in the wok with the meat side down. Stir-fry in 2 tablespoons heated oil until golden. Add the sauce ingredients into the pan with the wine. Add the clams back to the wok and simmer, covered, for about 20 minutes. Add any remaining cornstarch/water paste, stirring quickly to thicken. Serve hot.


Chinese  roast  pork -ingredienti e dosi  per 4/6 persone _ 1 pound pork belly, unsliced with skin trimmed off   - 2 tablespoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry  -2 tablespoons dark soy sauce, or substitute regular soy sauce  -2 tablespoons white granulated sugar  - 2 cloves garlic, minced - ½ tablespoon hoisin sauce  - ½ teaspoon five-spice powderm  - 2 tablespoons honey_fate  cosi _In a large bowl, mix together the rice wine, dark soy sauce, sugar, garlic, hoisin sauce, and five-spice powder. Rub the pork belly with the marinade mixture and marinate for 2 to 3 hours in the refrigerator. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Rub the excess marinade off the pork belly (but don’t rub it all off!) and place in a roasting pan. Brush the top with the honey. Roast the pork for 40 to 45 minutes, flipping the pork belly over half-way through and brushing honey on the other side. The pork is done when the outsides begin to crisp and blacken, and the center of the pork belly strip feels firm. Remove the pork from oven and let it cool for a 5 to 10 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board and cut into thin slices. Arrange the slices on a plate and serve, either plain as part of a multi-course meal, or with rice or noodles.

Soup  de  poulet  à la  chinoise _ ingredienti  e  dosi _
1,5 litre de bouillon de volaille  - 1 petit bouquet de ciboulette  - 1 petit bouquet de coriandre fraîche -1 morceau (3-4 cm) de gingembre frais  - 1 pointe de couteau de piment  -1 cc de citronnelle séchée -3 cs de sauce soja - 1 cs d’huile de sésame   - 150 gr de nouilles chinoises aux œufs (j’ai pris des nouilles japonaises soba)  - 2 escalopes de poulet_preparation_ Ciseler la ciboulette. Eplucher et tailler le gingembre en julienne. Effeuiller la coriandre. Emincer finement le poulet.Porter le bouillon de volaille à ébullition, ajouter la sauce soja et l’huile de sésame ainsi que la citronnelle et le gingembre. Ajouter les nouilles et laisser cuire selon le temps de cuisson indiqué sur le paquet. Ajouter quelques minutes avant de servir la coriandre, la ciboulette et le piment. Terminer en ajoutant le poulet finement émincé puis servir dès qu’il est cuit (moins de 5 mn). 


 Moo shu Pork _ingredienti e dosi  -2 lb lean pork, shredded-1 tablespoon soy sauce
-6 tablespoon oil-4 eggs, beaten-2 scallions, shredded -½ teaspoon sugar -FATE COSI -
Mix the pork with the soy sauce.Heat 6 tablespoons of the oil in a pan. When very hot, add the eggs and stir-fry until set. 3.Cut into thin strips, using a spatula, and transfer to a plate.
Add the remaining oil to the pan and heat.Add the pork, mushrooms and scallions, and stir fry until the pork is cookedAdd the egg pieces and the sugar, mix well. Serve immediately.

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